
Nightingale students leave the blue doors as citizens of the world, thanks to an academic program that emphasizes global education. 无论是在欧洲的一年, 在澳大利亚的一个学期, 或者在印度参加为期一周的会议, 皇冠体育app教育超越了蓝色的大门. 皇冠体育app和圆广场有合作关系, a consortium of 200 schools in 50 countries that offers students the chance to attend international conferences with students from member schools, as well as to participate in exchanges with students around the globe. 通过沉浸式体验和课堂互动, students are empowered to express different perspectives and discuss complex issues constructively with fellow students. A Nightingale education ensures that our graduates are ready to take on the challenge of global citizenship 并对自己改变世界的能力感到满意.



在低年级, 幼稚园学生, 课上我, and 课上我I begin their journey of developing a greater understanding of and appreciation for differences.

Students study human rights, civil rights, and social justice. 语言学习从幼儿园开始,从西班牙语开始, and girls rotate Spanish with French and Mandarin in 课上我V. 较低的学校 trips and community engagement around New York City lend a greater appreciation of the blend of cultures in our city. Students organize food drives and volunteer as lunch servers at a nearby community meal program, which encourages them to be active and productive participants in creating a better world for themselves and their respective communities.



The scope of learning for a 中学 student expands even further afield to include experiences with people and environments near and far, 古代和现代.

Community engagement centers around engaging with those who learn differently, including working with children with autism and adults with Alzheimer’s. An ongoing study of civil rights culminates in a Class VIII trip to Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. 当他们继续学习一门现代语言的时候, 中学 students each learn Latin beginning in Class VI. Latin skills help with comprehension of modern languages and draw connections between ancient cultures and the modern world. 作为中学实地考察项目的一部分, 学生可以去哥斯达黎加旅行, 冰岛, or the Grand Canyon to study the science of ecosystems and geology first hand.



每年九班的学生都要去伦敦旅游, bringing their academic work to life with oral presentations in museums, 亲身体验都铎王朝的惊险刺激. This trip is built around experiential learning and serves as the foundation of their studies for the fall, as well as an inspiration for further global studies during their four years in the 上学校. Students in Class X and Class XI are encouraged to apply to spend a semester or year in another country or another part of the United States; popular 项目 are in Switzerland, 缅因州, 华盛顿, D.C.美国、南非和澳大利亚. Every student at Nightingale who studies a modern language will have the opportunity to travel to a country where that language is spoken and to experience life there. 在蓝色的门里, 课上我X participates in a semester-long seminar focusing on social justice and community engagement. 在x - 12班, each student chooses an organization where she must volunteer at least four times a year.



A partnership with Round Square connects Nightingale to more than 200 schools in 50 countries across six continents. Middle and Upper school students can travel internationally to participate in conferences where they can meet and network with other students. The focus of Round Square participation lies in the acronym IDEALS: Internationalism, 民主, 环境可持续性, 冒险, 领导, 和服务. 最近, Nightingale students organized a Zoom conference with other students to discuss their experiences during the global COVID-19 pandemic, 以及隔离对他们生活的影响. Another student from the Global Planning Committee organized an online forum to discuss the history of global immigration with three renowned experts in the field in front of hundreds of students and teachers from Round Square schools. While participating in a pilot project of collaborating with students from Round Square’s Craighouse School in Santiago, 智利, 学生们分享了来自美国的成长经历, 从成人礼到第一张驾照, to the traditions surrounding puberty among girls from the Lakota tribe at Nightingale’s sister school, 南达科他州的松岭女子学校. 了解别人的生活, 无论是通过留学还是虚拟交流, 准备我们的学生领导与同情和勇气.